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Moldavian cuisine

 Moldova is a rich land, land of grapes, fruits and various vegetables; the favorable natural and climatic conditions contribute to the growth of such riches. And no wonder that the Moldavian cuisine at all times uses these riches. But, except for the natural conditions, on the development of the Moldavian cuisine huge influence rendered historical destinies of Moldavian people, the geographical position of Moldova on a joint of countries with different cultures, on one of the most ancient and most active trading ways “from Varangians to Greeks“. The influences, in antiquity from Hellenic and later from Byzantine cultures, were preserved in the X-XIII centuries and traditionally continued to be cultivated during the almost 180-years of independence (1359-1538), and later - in the XVII-XIX centuries. These relations are reflected not only in the inclusion of a number of Greek dishes in the Moldavian cuisine (placinte, invartite), become for a long time our national dishes, but also in the fact that the Moldavians have acquired methods and technologies, characteristic for the majority of the Mediterranean cuisines (yeast and puff pastry, vegetable oils, application of dry wine at preparing vegetable and meat dishes, spicy sauces).

At the same time on the formation of the Moldavian cuisine a big influence rendered the three hundred years enslavement of Moldova by Turkey. The effects of the Turkish influence are observed in the combined preparation of meat, in the tendency to use the mutton meat and in the identical names of some dishes, common for all Balkan nations been in the Turkish empire (Givech, Musaka, Chorba). Also the Slavic influence is not alien to the Moldavian cuisine. The Cabbage pies, the Moldavian Easter cakes and the developed system of salting and souring vegetables prove that.

But with all this going on the Moldavian cuisine generated into a very integral and original cuisine, with strongly pronounced attributes. It knew how to alloy and integrally to combine different, at times contradictory influences. The Moldavian cuisine has found the most successful flavouring combinations of products and has chosen its favorite food materials. So, the usage of brynza (cottage cheese) and corn is rather typical for our cuisine.

In comparison with brynza the corn became a characteristic product for the Moldavian cuisine rather recently - only 200 years ago. It has been brought to Moldova only in the XVII-th century and widely spread in the XVIII-th century, becoming, first of all, the daily food of poor men. Eventually, in Moldova have learned to prepare various dishes from corn. The national porridge mamaliga is well-known, the corn is widely used in soups and garnishes, it is boiled and baked. At the same time in Moldova traditionally the wheaten, instead of corn bread is used.

 The vegetables play a huge role in the Moldavian cuisine. From them are prepared garnishes and independent dishes. More often the vegetables are boiled, baked, stuffed, stewed and salted, and rarely fried. The favorite and specific vegetables for the Moldavian cuisine are the grain and green bean, lentil, tomatoes, gogoshars, sweet pepper, eggplants, vegetable marrows.

"How much cellars - so much and customs" says an ancient Moldavian saying, or, in our case, "how much hostesses - so much and dishes". A task of hostesses is also the selection of a corresponding drink to each dish. The Moldavian wines are world renowned for their gentle taste, aroma, and refinement. The stretched out on the hills vineyards allow to prepare a wide spectrum of wines - from white up to ruby, from dry up to semisweet and sweet, from "tulburel" ("a bit cloudy") up to absolutely transparent. The old wines, stored in the wine cellars, for a long time became the visiting card of Moldova.

The Moldavian cuisine due to the rich vegetable and fruit assortment concerns to the number of extremely delicious and useful to health cuisines.

The riches of a cuisine are estimated not by the number of dishes available in it, but by the richness of their flavoring nuances and by the art of combining various products. The Moldavian cuisine possessing a big historical experience and an excellent grocery base belongs to the most interesting cuisines in the world.

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